Friday, 6 November 2015

The Zygon Invasion Review

Posted By: Doctor Who GEEK - 05:13:00


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Sorry for the lateness of this review but it has been such a busy week! Now, this episode rather impressed me. It is definitely in my top three, I love a good old Earth takeover scenario. The second half can not be a let down after such a stunner of a first part, which in some cases are. Fingers crossed!

So, the episode starts off with a recap of the 50th Anniversary special referring back to the Zygons and our lovely David and Matt. yay! The episode gets straight to the point about Osgood which is great as we have all been obsessing over how she can come back from the dead. Which is in fact incorrect as the Osgood that died was the human version. We know this as Osgood used an asthma pump and zygon Osgood never needed one. Two words I will skip over quickly are "Guitar solo"... 

It makes you wonder what Clara is doing in reality as you always see her disappearing from the Tardis. I loved her voicemail "Sorry I cannot come to the phone, I am either on the tube or in outer space". When the Doctor goes to the playground and calls the two girls by their backpacks, "monster high" "cinderella", made me laugh quite a bit. The shot of him talking to the girls is quite comical as he is talking alien to these innocent girls who do turn out to be Zygons. 

Can we just take a second to admire Jenna's beauty in this episode? She is literally stunning, whether she is a Zygon or not! The scene where the kid gets kidnapped in the flats is quite sinister and coincidental as it turns out to be a son of a UNIT agent. But one thing that makes me question something is when Clara is actually Zygon Bonnie. Surely the Doctor would have seen her "blobbiness" just like he saw the two girls "blobbiness" before he got on that plane? 

The idea of 'Truth and Consequences' also has some meaning. It was very odd watching it back that Clara/Bonnie knew that Truth and Consequences was a place in New Mexico, this was something I had not picked up watching the first time. Surely the Doctor would have picked up on that obviously not.. I love the Doctor's random outbursts of comical lines, such as the "I like poncing about in a big plane", it just breaks up the seriousness of the episode. Throughout the episode he also kept calling himself different Doctor names like "Doctor Disco" and "Doctor Funkenstein". 

The whole thing about the Zygon's using your own family forms to lure people to their deaths was quite sinister. But surely if your own mother can't remember the name of your favourite teddy bear then she definitely isn't your mother? I like Osgood's continuous fangirling moments, using the question marks on her collar and asking the Doctor why he doesn't wear question marks anymore. But his answer is "Oh I do I wear question mark underpants". 

And so the episode finishes with Bonnie beginning to shoot the Doctor's plane and telling him that Clara and Kate are dead. How will he escape? Will he escape? Has he known who Clara is all this time?

Only time will tell, Saturday at 8!

Love Em

PS. I shall be at WLFCC this weekend so feel free to give me a wave

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