Thursday, 12 November 2015

The Zygon Inverson Review

Posted By: Doctor Who GEEK - 02:30:00


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I don't know how long this review will be because I have quite a bit to say. This two parter in particular was amazing. I feel it is just under the first two parter with Davros which was quite high up on my list. I have high hopes especially for the finale just because this series has been above average, especially compared to Series 8... So here's my review!

The episode starter is very intense and reminds me of when Clara is trapped in the Dalek, the windows and doors are locked - spooky. Throughout the episode and especially the beginning, we are constantly asking questions, where is Clara? Another question is why did Bonnie choose to turn that man into a Zygon? Was there a specific reason?. Next we are shown the Doctor and Osgood on the beach, thankfully the Doctor had parachutes - Union Jack and everything!

Osgood's glasses break so she is given the Doctor's glasses and she calls them a "visual hearing aid". See even Osgood doesn't like them!!! She also brings up Clara and the idea that she's dead but we know that she is not. Also the Doctor has a iphone? Such a cool dude. Moving on though, when Bonnie goes to get the laptop, did anyone else notice William Hartnell's photo on the door? The Doctor and Osgood bump into police who turn out to be Zygon's which is eerily creepy when they start reversing the car. The Doctor also calls himself names again like "Doctor John Disco" and "Doctor Fantastic". 

The ways Clara tries to communicate with the Doctor are clever. Especially when Bonnie Facetime's the Doctor, she cannot control the morse code messages from her blinks. Do you also notice that the Doctor tells Bonnie not to get information from Clara, this is a way of knowing that she will eventually go to the Black Archive. I love it when Bonnie uses Clara's heartbeat in order to tell if she is lying, I think that's very clever. Jenna is so bad ass as Bonnie, top acting from her these past two episodes! 

Now we have to move onto this scene. This for me was my favourite scene of the episode. I absolutely laughed at Capaldi's American accent - "Here we go, fingers on buttons". It shows a lot of light and shade. He starts to get angry which leads into his amazing speech. The music throughout this speech is perfect and shows that this part is meant to be emphasised. I love the references to his box, button and the choice he had to make, shows he actually does have a heart. The moment he said he didn't push the button was because he "let Clara Oswald get in his head" - so cute. 

Now this is the moment we have been waiting for, will Osgood go travelling? Of course not. Will she be the future companion? No unfortunately not but she has been a brilliant character. But is with her not knowing what the TARDIS stands for?! The way the Doctor leaves saying "I'm a big fan" is so lovely, he knows how much she admires him.

Now for the whole, is Osgood human. She obviously has to be as they that you still have to be alive in order for someone to transform into you, right? But my asthma theory got thrown out the window when they both used pumps at the end.. 

When we go back into the TARDIS, there is a lot of tension between Clara and the Doctor. The Doctor is just scared that he will loose Clara as he doesn't want it to be his fault.

From the trailer of the next episode I'm not totally excited for it but I hope that it will change my mind when I start to see it.

Hope everyone enjoyed this two parter as much as I did

Love Em

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