Saturday, 31 October 2015

The Woman Who Lived - Review

Posted By: Doctor Who GEEK - 03:52:00


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So last Saturday saw the last of this two parter, The Girl Who Died and The Woman Who Lived. It was much different from the first part, not much action but a lot of meaning in the words. So let me review it!!...

It starts off with the heist in the carriage and Ashildr and the Doctor are robbing these people. Ashildr now wants to call herself 'Me' to show she's independent, which is ridiculous if you ask ME! However, I really do like the back story we have about Ashildr and where she's travelled to and what events she has been in ie. the Black Plague. You also feel for her as she has lost loved ones and children which has obviously changed her. I like the fact the Doctor warned her about the Great Fire, such a cutie. But, can I just say one thing. The Sonic Glasses are back. Noooooooooo! If he can someone repair the glasses he can repair the sonic screwdriver. End of. 

In this episode we have another reference to Clara "blowing away like smoke" which suggests her ending which has been a continuous theme. Maisie's character is put in there to show how the Doctor's kind acts can go wrong. Even though he thinks he's saving someone he may not be, thankfully though at the end this is resolved. I also really love Maisie's acting in this episode, she was just so good! I also found Rufus Hound to be extremely funny, even though I had my doubts about what his character would be like, and of course he had to be funny! I like the fact that there is no more immortality alien tech as I thought things would get even more complicated if she had given it to someone. The concept of appreciation for life in this episode was such a nice meaning and one for people to always remember. Always love the life that you are in whether its a short or long one, just enjoy it. 

Captain Jack Harkness got a reference!! Whoopie. I do like the little references of past companions because it just shows that they still mean something. The way Maisie ended saying "Someone has to look out for the people that you abandon". Which is is so lovely and yet so true! He comes in saving people "making waves" then leaves. However, coming to the end sequence, why does he have a guitar? I seriously think Moffat reads these reviews and says 'Oh yeh Emily loves the guitar, we will put it in every episode and don't forget the sonic glasses!'. 

Anyway, was it just me or did anyone else miss Clara in that episode? I have really grown to love her and I also seem to do that when I know someone is leaving. I'm loving the affection between her and the Doctor and the way he said "I missed you Clara Oswald" gahhhhhhh, me too! Overall, I thought it was an OK episode, it was put in just to give a bit more back story for Ashildr....

...because we all know she will be coming back. 

Enjoy Halloween fun and Who today!
Love Em 

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