Where do I begin? Whilst at university I saw that my friend had met Kit outside Dr Faustus. We contacted each other and decided to go see the show and maybe even try and meet him afterwards. On Thursday I travelled to London to see the ever so gorgeous man Kit Harington in his play, Dr Faustus, which is only on for another week. Here is my review of the play/day.....
This Morning
The day started off with me going to 'This Morning' as Kit had been announced to be on the show. Unfortunately his interview was pre-recorded. But whilst announcing his name they also announced other people who were going to be on the show and 'The Body Coach' - Joe Wicks was mentioned. I love watching his HIIT sessions to get ideas and he was going to be doing a live workout on the Southbank. So I went to have a look and luckily got a photo with him afterwards too! I watched back 'This Morning' to see how it looked on tv and also watched Kit's interview. I can just about see myself on the Southbank when Holly and Phil are doing a link! Afterwards we headed for a drink and Pizza Hut in order to prepare to see the man in real life.

Dr Faustus
So we got into our seats and was about 10 mins before the show started. A woman with a hoover came out on stage and started hoovering, this was so weird as you would think she was just cleaning the set. Then all of a sudden you see Kit's head on the toilet (this was because we were three rows back in stalls) and he starts walking out and sits on the bed. He starts drooling and does this for about 10 mins until the play begins. I couldn't believe my eyes, and you could still take photos so I took this cheeky one as I thought this would be the best picture of me and Kit that day.... little did I know ;)
The beginning of the play is very hard to get into, I was lucky as I had done the play at A level and quickly read it on the train so knew what was happening. I did get into though and I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you have read the play then you know that it was written in 1594, but this representation was very modernised but it worked. Dr Faustus is quite morbid but the light and shade in the play was very well done. I literally saw a lot more of Kit then I expected but I definitely did not complain. If you haven't seen it then you have a week to do so as it is really funny and weird!
Dr Faustus Stage Door
So after the matinee we legged it to stage door to see if he was coming out. Apparently he wasn't coming out as he was watching the football... The security guy said that he would definitely be out at 10. So myself and my friend wasted away a few hours until came back 45 mins before the play finished to get our prime position at stage door. The barriers were put up and we waited until 10:10 for when he came out. He said he couldn't stay long as he was going out afterwards.
He whizzed round the first barrier and stopped at a girl who had Ramsey Bolton as his background. He grabbed the phone and disgustingly showed it to us. He then started coming round our side, he grabbed my phone and I got a photo with him and then he signed my autograph. He kept passing me back a pen which wasn't mine bless him. The person next to me asked why he didn't show his bum anymore but it was because people kept taking photos of him! I can't believe how lucky I was and to be within centimetres of Kit Harington. He is a phenomenal actor and my love for him has definitely grown so much more.
I still can't believe I met Kit Harington. Dr Faustus surpassed my expectation and I had such an amazing day! It has definitely become a ritual to go to stage door. Who have you met at Stage Door's?
Love Em
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