Tuesday, 17 May 2016

New Make-up bits

Posted By: Doctor Who GEEK - 02:30:00


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On my recent trip into Brighton I picked up a few bits to try out and I thought i would let you know what they are like!


So the first item is this little beauty. Omg, I literally cannot rave about this product more!!! It is amazing, it is the MAC frost lipstick in 'Sandy B'. The website describes it as a pink but I describe it more as a coral shimmer. It is absolutely gorgeous, I have swatched it in the next section. 


 So NYX is starting to appear in many Boots stores and luckily Brighton is one of them. So I wanted to try out some bits and swatched lots of their lip glosses and lipsticks onto the back of my hand. I came out with this one called 'Tea and Cookies'. It comes out as a very bright pink (compared to the packaging) and I couldn't wear this everyday. It is a very beautiful colour however! So on my hand, the left is Sandy B and the right is Tea and Cookies. This is also the same in the bottom picture. 

Barry M

Next up we have Barry M's new colour of Molten paint. My eyes went straight to these two colours from the collection - Copper Mine and Gold Digger. I love the names firstly! But I do also really like the colours. In the sunlight the colours have a lot of shimmer. I would definitely wear the Copper Mine everyday but the Gold Digger would probably be have to be used for special occasions, it is quite blingy! I also had my eyes on the silver/ grey colour. 

I am hoping to grow my NYX collection as they do some lovely shades in their lip glosses and lipsticks! 

Have you bought any new make-up recently?

Love Em

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