It's been a week and bit since the best weekend of this summer which can only mean one thing - London Film and Comic Con! It is my favourite thing to look forward too especially as celebrities get announced well in advance of the actual event. Now my header doesn't straight away suggest LFCC but these people definitely made it for me this year. My main reason for LFCC for me was to meet the actors that are in my favourite films but it is now grown to socialising with like-minded who I constantly talk to on Twitter! This is what happened on the Saturday of LFCC.....
GOT Talk

So the GOT talk was £25, which if you've been to many conventions previously is ridiculous. Most talks previously were either free or at least £10. Now I'm not really someone who goes to talks but anything GOT will get me going. I thought for £25 and the amount of GOT guests going I thought this would be brilliant. However, if I compare to the GOT talk in Brighton, which was free and only had Dan Portman and Kristian Nairn, the Brighton talk was way better. The atmosphere was intimate it was hilarious and lots of people got to ask questions. Whereas, in the London talk only a few seemed to make funny jokes or speak. My favourites have to be Dan, Kristian and Jack who seemed to lead the talk, which maybe because they are more experienced, not sure. Jack made a brilliant remark which has stuck with me... When asked about theories of odd relationships he replies 'There was this one rumour that my Mother and her Brother were having it off but that's ridiculous. If it was to happen again I would think twice about buying a ticket, however, I wasn't doing much so it was a good add-on.
Faye Marsay

Now I do normally come to the convention well planned with who I am meeting and with a budget for autographs and goodies for the weekend. However, now and again you get their and you see someone who you think you are going to like and this girlie was definitely one of them. Faye was very northern and welcomed with an 'alright babe'. It was a quick shoot but she was nice to everyone.
Natalia Tena
This lady was definitely someone I had wanted to meet for a long time. Last convention she had cancelled quite close to the con as she had a gig with her band. She did not disappoint. She greeted everyone with a handshake and a 'Hello, what's your name?' 'Hi Emily, I'm Nat'. Touches like that really make your photoshoot experience so much better. She also remarked after the shoot that she hoped the photo came out good. Love her.
Jack Gleeson
This has got to be one of my favourite photoshoots! Jack was absolute babe and really didn't care what poses he was doing. At one point a cast member did tell him that he wasn't to get out of the throne because he was taking forever. However, all I wanted to do was either get on his lap or get him on mine, so for me this was a win win. I went up to him and said 'Hi Jack, can I sit on your lap' which I got a lovely reply of 'Yes of course!'. Now I hate Joffery but I do not hate Jack Gleeson!
Jeremy Renner

Gemma Whelan
Now I didn't get anything signed by Gemma as I had done so the year before but my mate Darren went to meet her so I tagged along. We had to wait a few minutes as she needed a break. She wanted to sign my friends poster but we practically told her to go because she wouldn't leave otherwise. She came back with some grapes and thanked us for waiting. I think she was quite overwhelmed with how busy and popular she was. As last convention she barely had a line. This series has really shown her in a good light. By meeting her you wouldn't think straight away that she is Yara because she is too lovely!
Meeting up with friends

I also finally met this lovely girlie - @osforthewin. I think it was from the last convention that we started talking on twitter and now we finally met up! You were so much fun and we shall have to meet up again next year!
Pub Pub Pub Pub

After the con our good mate Darren organises a pub meet up for con-goers and this time I actually convinced my mum to let me stay, yes I am 21. It was great and I wished I could have stayed longer. I will list some of the people I do actually remember going and speaking too as they made it fab!
Hope you enjoyed Day 1 of LFCC round up, now go follow these amazing people...
@DavidBedwell, @therealrobcook, @osforthewin, @djdarrenjones, @MissHayley1988, , @helloitsnicola, @lunglock, @johnboy_cook, @ohnoitsjade, @jameswerty, @megsiobhan, @kirstenprice1....
Love Em
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