I definitely had to rewatch this episode to get the story behind it as I weren't really feeling it this Christmas. As a non-River fan I do have to say it was a great ending for her character for these past few years. So here's my review....
The scene starts off with Matt Lucas' character knocking on the TARDIS door with the Doctor answering with "Is there anything on my head?". When he meets River, she doesn't have a clue who he is, but surely she would know the signs?. I really like Matt's character I find him very comical which is definitely what's needed in a Christmas special, along with the celebrity guests. The line where the Doctor says he has 'cross arms' is hilarious but simple. The idea of River having a sonic trowel because she is an Archaeologist is also quite humorous but maybe not to archaeologists. You start to think about the first time we meet her with the Tenth Doctor because is a archaeologist then.
The continuous script of River not knowing the Doctor, "WHO are you?". "You are very quick" "For a Doctor" "Seriously?!". You almost want to shout at the TV screen. I absolutely love the reaction the Doctor fakes when he walks into the TARDIS and afterwards he says "I always wanted to see that done properly", he must get bored every single time someone does that, I know I am! Finally when we are on the 'space restaraunt' (taking a leaf out of Clara's book for that one - oh the puns keep on going) we find out that River is 200 years old so she can't have seen the Doctor for a while. The spaceship also slightly reminds me of the Titanic Christmas episode and Platform 1 where they watch the Earth burn.
River has definitely not changed, when we find out the only reason why she married the head was because of the diamond - "I married the diamond". The alien with the weird head that came apart was also a good invention, sounded like Voldemort though. I love how Flemmy (is that his name?) reads River's diary and lets us know where she is at in her timestream. "Just been to Manhattan" "Oh Jim the Fish". Will we ever meet Jim the Fish?

The moment when River says she knows that the Doctor doesn't love her back. It's quite sad but you get to see it in his face that he does love her but he can just never tell anyone. When she looks into his face and finally realises that he is in fact the Doctor - "Hello Sweetie". The cleverness of the scene when she says about a meteor strike and Flemmy asks "How do you know?" "I'm an archaeologist - I dug you up". OUCH.
I do like the sonic screwdriver even though it didn't have much of an appearance, even the glasses are still going?! I also liked the fact that the Doctor didn't save anyone on board because they are a bunch of murderers. You have to be really special for the Doctor to come and save you.
I love the ending when the Doctor gives her a sonic screwdriver. Everything she said in the Forest of the Dead episode is finally coming together. I feel this was a good ending for her even if I didn't like her.
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas!
Love Em
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