Saturday, 30 July 2016

Graduation 2016

Posted By: Doctor Who GEEK - 02:30:00


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On Tuesday, I had the absolute pleasure of graduating in the Brighton Dome with my lovely friends and family. The weather was beautiful and sunny! I've been studying BSC Geography at the University of Brighton for the past 3 years and have loved every minute. I just wanted to show a few of my lovely photos in the Royal Pavilion gardens (courtesy of my sister Meg).... 

My beautiful pale blue dress was from Lipsy and has this gorgeous lace detail. The back of it is stunning but unfortunately you cannot see it because of my gown. My shoes are from Primark. 

If you don't take photos everywhere in your gown then your not doing it right! My sister shouted at me to sit on the floor and started arranging my robes. These two photos came out of it though so it wasn't all bad. The Pavilion gardens provided beautiful backdrops to lots of my photos.

The traditional throw your hat in the air photo. What you don't know is this photo took a good 4-5 throws before this great action shot was captured. And what an amazing background to have ay! The Royal Pavilion itself. 

The squad that held me together over the past 3 years. Its been real tough but they have supported me through everything. I'm so pleased my nan got to see me graduate too as she has seen my mum and my sister graduate before me. I hope I've made them all proud!

If your about to go to university and are daunted by the fact, then please do not hesitate to ask me questions! I was definitely someone who never wanted to go to university but I have not regretted going as I've loved it. I've made lifelong friends who I hope to see on many reunion nights in the future. 

Love Em (BSC Hons Geography ;) )

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