I can't believe that this is the last episode in the Series :( and what an incredible Series this has been? I feel like I have definitely started to get into Peter's Doctor as I seriously did not connect with him in his first Series. This episode is a nice send off for Clara and has many surprises, such as the fact that she is still alive?! So here's my review..
This opening scene is mean't to make you ask so many questions. Why is Clara there? Does she not remember who the Doctor is? Is she just being nice? I love the Doctor playing Clara's theme on the guitar, so cute. When he arrives in Gallifrey and walks towards the barn, I wish there was more interaction and maybe flashbacks about the barn. However, this scene did give me 50th anniversary feels! I hate the fact the Doctor hates his home planet even though he's spent a lot of time saving it. I also feel that Gallifrey wasn't really needed. He only needed to get there because he was wanting to save Clara and steal a TARDIS (as he had done previously).
I like the idea of an extraction chamber but then it makes you question how many times the Doctor could have done this to everyone he loved? Clara was fine with dying yet he had to go and bring her back. Clara also hates the person the Doctor has turned into. She particularly dislikes his coat... She asks him how long he has been away from her and asks "What happened to the Doctor?". He says to her that "he had a duty of care" which is why he felt like he had to save her. The scene with the Cloister Wraiths really gets me because they are mean't to be the "greatest hell of Gallifrey" yet they had no trouble and escaped too easily?
I love the reference to the dreaded 'four knocks' as it just reminds me of the David Tennant days, my Doctor. Now in this scene we really get down to the Hybrid business and what it really means. The hybrid is supposed to be half Timelord, half human and The Doctor believes that it is Ashildr. However, she tells him that it is himself and Clara. Who knows what they could get up to next if they had the chance, which is why one must go. I do love the fact that he does still remember memories of Clara even if he can't remember her face. Its the only way to keep her safe. The reference for Amy and Rory is also so cute, but how did Clara know that this was the diner?
I luckily got the chance to go to this Diner on my trip to Cardiff. Unfortunately I had missed filming by about a week!! Absolutely gutted! It is a lovely place to visit for any Doctor Who fan. Even if your not a fan, like my mum, you'll still love it for the food.
Clara knows she has to die at some point and that she has to go to Gallifrey to do this. The meaning of 'Gallifrey the long way round' is so special because it means that Clara is having her own adventures and that she did finally get to be like the Doctor. She also knows that she did not die alone and she saw The Doctor watching her. I believe that this episode had a good ending for a new start.
The Doctor puts his velvet coat on and catches his new sonic (which is fab) in one hand, clicks his fingers and he is off.
I love the reference to the dreaded 'four knocks' as it just reminds me of the David Tennant days, my Doctor. Now in this scene we really get down to the Hybrid business and what it really means. The hybrid is supposed to be half Timelord, half human and The Doctor believes that it is Ashildr. However, she tells him that it is himself and Clara. Who knows what they could get up to next if they had the chance, which is why one must go. I do love the fact that he does still remember memories of Clara even if he can't remember her face. Its the only way to keep her safe. The reference for Amy and Rory is also so cute, but how did Clara know that this was the diner?
Clara knows she has to die at some point and that she has to go to Gallifrey to do this. The meaning of 'Gallifrey the long way round' is so special because it means that Clara is having her own adventures and that she did finally get to be like the Doctor. She also knows that she did not die alone and she saw The Doctor watching her. I believe that this episode had a good ending for a new start.
The Doctor puts his velvet coat on and catches his new sonic (which is fab) in one hand, clicks his fingers and he is off.
"Run you clever boy and be a Doctor"
Love Em
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