Thursday, 26 November 2015

Face the Raven Review

Posted By: Doctor Who GEEK - 02:30:00


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For this episode a week or so before it aired, news was released that in this episode Clara was going to die. Now for some that was good news (and I respect people for their opinion) but for me I had only just got to liking Clara. I felt like her character had only just begun developing. I really liked this episode though, the intensity throughout was brilliant, I love a good countdown. So here's my review...

The first scene is to clearly have a juxtaposition for the first moment and the last moment, where Clara is at her happiest to when she has to be alone. When the TARDIS phone rings and Clara answers it and the Doctor says "Who said you can give out my number?", he's such a big kid. When they go and meet Rigsy the over emphasis of his baby shows that this is significant further on. The Doctor calling Rigsy "Local knowledge" is very comical too. Once Rigsy is on board the Doctor has to tell him that he is dying. I love that he has a pack of cards for when he needs to be nice! The top one read "I could be wrong let's try it your way". 

Once they get into the trapped street everything goes wrong. Before the old man dies his wife says to him to give the death to her but he doesn't want her to. Clara notices this act of being able to willingly take the death which you can only assume that that is the way she is going to go. Clara doesn't want Rigsy's child not to have a dad as she lost her mother and the love of her life, she can't do that to someone else. Question is - who gave Ashildr the power of the chronolock? The few further funny lines were when the Doctor said "Can I not be the good cop?" and Clara was speaking about Jane Austen "We use to prank each other, I love her. Take that how you like..". 

I loved the plot to the story about how the Doctor can never resist a mystery. It is very true. One thing though, why does Ashildr need his confession dial? And did she really mean for Clara to get killed? She knows how Clara is, reading back on her conversations she would surely know that Clara would risk her own life to save another. Is this all a an act for Ashildr? Now this next scene was my favourite in the episode. The script is so well written and has such meaning which would probably make any cry (especially myself). Here's a few things I picked out. 

  • Clara - "Maybe this is why I kept running, why can't I be like you?"
  • Clara - "Danny Pink can do it" - love the references to Mr Pink
  • Clara - "Now you listen to me, your going to be alone your and your bad at that. Don't let this change you, you don't be a warrior, be a Doctor" - nice little reference to the War Doctor. 
  • Doctor - "What's the point of being a Doctor?" Clara - "heal yourself then" - gahhh right in the feels.
  • Clara says about no-one getting hurt because of her death and the Doctor says "What about me?"
  • Clara - "Everything your about to say I already know" - the Doctor just wanted to say he loved you Clara!!
  • Clara - "This is as brave as I know how to be, please be a little proud of me" - this seems to be the weakness of travelling with the Doctor, they always want to impress him even if that means they have to die....

When she's finally attacked by the raven the muted screams makes the whole scene even more horrible and the way the Doctor just watches. Clara he was proud of you! I love that as soon as he goes back in he turns to Ashildr and says "I strongly advise you to keep out of my way" BOOM. 

Now whilst I continue to weep this mural got me at the end too, it was such a lovely tribute to Jenna's character.


Now one question is; how is Clara in a dining outfit in episode 12? Is this one of her many forms that helps the Doctor out?

What I am looking forward to, however, is the next episode. I can't wait to see Peter's Doctor by himself and his brilliant acting. 
Long live Clara Oswald


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