It's only a few days till Christmas and we all know what that means!! DOCTOR WHO SPECIALLL. It only feels like the series just ended so we haven't done much waiting. To keep you going until then, here's my Doctor Who tag post...
2. Who is your favourite companion? My favourite is Rose Tyler. I love her and David together, she just has that companion feel. I also loved Amy and Rory, I felt like they were very cute together.
3. Most underrated companion? I think Donna Noble is pretty underated! I think she was hilarious and I loved the fact she didn't fancy the Doctor but just bounced off him with her banter. (I also love her grandad Wilf too).
4. If you could bring back someone from the dead who would it be? I think Astrid would be quite a good companion. But I'm guessing Kylie wouldn't want to stay for a whole series.
5. What alien/villain would you bring back in the new series? I would actually like the Autons to come back. They were one of the first aliens to really scare me! However, there weakness should be improved so that it isn't too easy to kill them.
6. Most overrated companion? I am not the biggest fan of River Song ever. When she turned out to be Amy and Rory's kid I didn't like that. She may change my mind in the Christmas Special.
7. Favourite costume? I'm a big fan of David's Doctor's outfit with Matt's following close behind. I also like Rose Tyler's Idiot Lanterns dress too.
8. Favourite Christmas special? The one that pops into my mind is the Titanic episode or the Sycorax one where it is David's first appearance.
9. If you could go anywhere in the TARDIS where would you go? I would probably go to the Egyptian era, it was my favourite thing to learn in History at school.
10. If you could meet any famous historical person who would it be? Personally, I would have gone for Vincent Van Gogh or Anne Frank. That's a tough one.
11. Who would be your ideal companion? I think Lily James could be a good companion (bring back Matt!).
12. Who would you like to see as the next Doctor? Am I allowed to say Orlando Bloom? Yes the Bloomster for me, or Johnny Depp? Now he would be crazy!
13. Most favourite series? One series that sticks in my mind was Series 7 (mostly Part 1) as I feel like the Ponds had really grown into the role.
14. Favourite catchphrase? For me it's got to be Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey or Allons-y
15. Have you ever cried at a scene? Yeh I think I definitely cried under my blanket at David's depature and for the Pond's last goodbye, gahhhhh.
In depth questions
1. Where do you think Rose Tyler is now? Will she return? I think her and The Doctor have had lovely babies and are happy. I don't think she will ever return, but I am not the writer so who knows!
2. If Clara returns to Earth, does this fracture the universe as her original death is fixed? (Thanks to @AJElvin for this one) I believe she wouldn't go back to Earth because she may know that this could be bad. However, she does like a bit of Jane Austen! Who knows?
3. Do you think Ashildr ever did get to meet Captain Jack Harkness? I would like to think she did, seeing she was on Earth for a long time. Also how did she get to where she was at the end of the world?
4. Was Captain Jack Harkness really the Face of Boe? It wouldn't be a bad thing if he was, he seemed like a nice character and he died with the Doctor which is a nice ending.
5. Does the Doctor have limited regenerations or is that a lie? We all thought he did at 12 but then the Timelord's gave him more. He can't live forever.
6. What is the Doctor's name and will we ever find out? It obviously has to be of some importance otherwise this wouldn't be made it a big deal? John Smith perhaps.
7. How old actually is the Doctor now? Since the Doctor was trapped in hell for 4 million-billion years does that make him that old? I miss the days when you could count it, like 903 years old.
Hope you all enjoy the Doctor Who special! Let me know if you have any other questions!
Love Em
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