Saturday, 5 December 2015

Autumn/Christmas Nail Varnishes

Posted By: Doctor Who GEEK - 02:30:00


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I have only recently got into nail varnishes as I like my nails how they are. But now that I have ventured down the nail varnish aisles my collection is ever-growing. My favourite collection has got to be what I call my Autumn/Winter nail varnishes. Let's see my favourites...

Greens and Greys

Khaki green is definitely an 'in' colour and will be until spring. My favourite Khaki green nail varnish is in the collection 'Nicole by OPI' called 'Taupe of the class'. It is on the pricey side at £7.99 but its finish is lovely. Now I have never gone towards Essie because of the price but this gorgeous grey colour just reminds me of everything wintery. 'Cocktail Bling' is also at £7.99 but it is the most gorgeous colour, unfortunately I have not taken a sample photo but I will be wearing this for my Winter Wonderland trip in December!

Almond and Rose Gold


Now I'm a sucker for a rose gold shade and this Model's Own one is just gorgeous. However, I do believe that this shade was a limited edition shade called "Chrome Rose" because I can't seem to find it anywhere. The finish is impeccable and so smooth (seen in the photo). The Almond colour is from Barry M's Gelly Shine range and it is quite similar to cocktail bling but more beige. It is a lower price of £3.99. I believe Barry M is everyone's go-to nail varnish. 



The first berry colour is "Crush" from Barry M's Matte nail varnish range. I've never had a matte nail varnish before but I like it. Maroon and berry's are definitely an autumnal colour but can also be transferred over to Winter. This is also at £3.99. The next nail varnish is also from Barry M but from it's silk collection. Now this colour is definitely for Christmas time as it has a lovely shimmer in it, silky like it says. This shade is called "Poppy" and is also £3.99. A picture of this shade is in the next section.



The first golden shimmer is "Rose Chrome Foil" by 'Orly Color Blast'. Now I must say it is rather pricey at £9.50 but luckily I got this free with a magazine. However, it is a really lovely colour and quite similiar to the Rose Gold colour but with added shimmer. The last nail varnish is Seventeen's Red Tinsel effect which I added to the Poppy Silk varnish. The name gives it away that it is a Christmassy shade. This is at £3.99. These shades in particular are great for the party season!

I am so getting in the Christmassy mood so here's a throwback of my Christmas nails a few years back! 

Love Em

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