Thursday, 19 November 2015

Sleep No More Review

Posted By: Doctor Who GEEK - 09:46:00


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This episode wasn't particularly my favourite only because the set-up wasn't the same and there wasn't a lot of attention on Clara and the Doctor. However, there was funny aspects included in it and the monsters were creative but the episode left me feeling confused. AnyWHO lets get on with the review...

Starting off with the lack of title sequences, has this ever been done before in WHO history? I didn't particularly miss them but I did miss singing the theme tune. I've read in an interview in the latest Doctor Who magazine that Moffat makes the Doctor talk to the screen so that it feels like he is talking to us. There was definitely many moments in this that that happened, makes the audience feel more involved. I wasn't overly keen on the camera view's, it was as if it was a game like Call of Duty where you just have the gun on the screen. This made it quite hard to visualise what was going on at some points. You had a few comical aspects such as when the Captain said "consider yourself" and the Doctor replies "part of the furniture", even the Doctor knows Oliver! The point that Clara brings up about "space restaurant" makes you think because we obviously put space infront of things because it is different but this happens in everyday life to the Doctor. 

The part where the Doctor says "hold my hand", Clara replies "I'm ok" and the Doctor says "I'm not" is literally just so cute. I love how their relationship has developed from Clara not seeing him as the Doctor to hand grabbing and cuddling. The Captain's repetitive "pet" really got on my nerves (apologies to any Scouser's). Morphius - the God of Dreams and the sandmen were quite a good invention. I believe that we have all thought about what it would be like not to have to sleep, and the sleep dust is relatable to us as we all get sleep in our eyes, so this makes it scarier. The funny part in this scene was when the Doctor started talking and the hologram pops up again to say "Terms and conditions apply". 

I like the aspect of only seeing through Clara's eyes once she's been in the machine and that you never see the Doctor's view. The reference to the Mr Sandman song was also very clever especially when one guy had to sing it into the door for access. The moment when the Doctor says to the Captain that he is hacking into the helmet cams and then the Captain replies that they actually don't have helmet cams is quite scary. He only realises a few minutes later what she said. The lucky thing about these creatures is that they have a weakness - not being able to see. This gets them out of a few tricky situations ie. the Freezer and escaping from the guy who hasn't slept for 5 years. 

The ending scenes of when Clara rushes to the Tardis and she says "I've never been more happy to see-" then they are surrounded by more Sandmen. This is the part that I get confused about because; does the Doctor destroy them all in the end? Has this video got out because we are watching it? Is Clara cured now? Why didn't the Tardis translate those words on the wall?? >>>

I found the end scene where the man got turned into a Sandman very scary, well done Gatiss!   

Now for the next episode I am a little worried because I am a Clara fan and something is supposed to happen on Saturday that no-one wants to miss. What I don't understand is that people have said she will go out in this episode but we have all seen her filming for the finale in the diner? The return of Maisie Williams also gets me excited so we shall see how this one goes. Tissues at the ready!!!!

Love Em

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