As many people know, when moving to university, Freshers is a mandatory thing to do! Some uni's only have a week of Freshers whereas ours is a hardcore 2 weeks, for those that want to know I go to Brighton Uni. I have definitely changed from the beginning of Freshers to now. Back then clubbing was not my cup of tea but nowadays I can't stop! From Foam party to Toga Party to Freshers Ball, I have been there done that and I wanted to look back on my Freshers moments, considering my last one ended Sunday :( So here we go...
(Actual) Freshers First Year
So for the first year I went out three times, which considering I didn't go clubbing before was good going! My first event was the foam party where I remember being dragged in the middle to get covered in foam. It was not the best experience ever as I remember being suffocated by the foam in the progress. Freshers week is a great week to get to know your new flatmates, which luckily mine were fab! So fab that we are still meeting up and I still live with two of them!
Each Freshers week is finished off with a Freshers Ball which usually has singing guests and Silent Disco! As I didn't get the wristband I had bought VIP tickets so I could the special guests during the night. This happened to be Joey Essex and The Loveable Rogues. I also remember Duke Dumont playing out the last set at 3 in the morning. Unfortunately, even though it was an amazing end to the two weeks, I had a 9 o'clock lecture and got the cursed Freshers Flu. From here on my clubbing became a habit.
Second Year (Not a Fresher!)
So, second year came round very quickly, and even though I wasn't a Fresher I still wanted to go out and experience the first two weeks of doing nothing. I think I went to just two events this year as it was a lot harder finding people to come out. The first event was the annual Big Night Out Bar crawl where your t-shirt gives you free entry to a lot of the bars and clubs. I love that you meet so many random people on a night out and get talking to anyone you see. Some people were shocked to know that we were second years so I guess that's a good thing!
So as Freshers drew to a close once again, I gathered the girls and dragged them to Freshers Ball. The Silent Disco was definitely one of our main highlights. The atmosphere in the room is crazy! For people who don't know what a silent disco is; its where you wear headphones and you have one DJ playing songs on one channel then a different DJ on the other channel. You are constantly flicking between the two channels to listen to your favourite song. If you take your headphones off all you can hear is screechy singing from two different songs. Its a good bonding session to people listening to the same channel as you! I also remember Marvin Humes djing in the other room (I also got a cheeky tweet from him later on).
Third Year (hopelessly believing I'm still a Fresher)
I still can't believe that I am now a third year and hopefully graduating in Summer. These last two years have seriously flown past. I have loved looking back at old photos trying to get together the collages, such memories! So as it is my final I went all out and got a Freshers wristband (allows you free entry to every event over the two weeks). My first event of this Freshers was Toga Party, where of course you dress up in a bed sheet! The looks that I got on the bus was so awkward its like they've never seen a person in a bed sheet before? I dragged my friend Syrena out to this one which was so fun. The next event was a Zoo Bar Crawl, we got our faces painted in Yates and we were good to go. Mine and Emma's goal was to visit as many bars and clubs as possible even if we didn't drink in every one. We managed 6/9 and I drank in 3/6. I have to be honest I was very happy by the end of it. Definitely the cocktail pitcher in Yates which started me off.
So as quickly as it started Freshers Ball fast approached! My last ever Freshers Ball with my amigo Emma. The only thing motivating me to go to this one was because of the Silent Disco.The guests were Ms Dynamite and Philip George, I didn't mind missing most of their set just as long as I heard them sing and play their main tracks. I can't believe that my Freshers experience is officially and that I actually have to start writing my dissertation.
For anyone reading if you have just been to Freshers let me know what events your uni did. And for those who have Freshers to come next September if you have any questions just message me!
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